“The Dream Tree” – a children’s book for Malawi

“The Dream Tree” – a children’s bookA book for children in Germany and Malawi. The Dream Tree are individual stories full of fantasy creatures that Marietta Westphal had been thinking up for a long time and at some point Enke Cäcilie Jansson began to illustrate the experiences of the dwarf king Eierbatz, Nelkenheini and Fidi Pumpernickel. We then wanted to compile them into a book, initially just as a private gift, but then we decided to reach for the stars and turn it into a real book to sell and donate the proceeds to the school projects in Malalawi. They are bedtime reading stories. You close your eyes for a quarter of an hour and when you arrive at the pasture of the dwarf cow Esmaralda, you are in the land of elves and dwarves. Just around the corner to the left is the big colorful dream tree with lots of cute little bells. Ring the one you like best and the fairies, trolls, ghosts and goblins will appear …

Available from Carl H. Dieckmann, 76 pages, 25 euros

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Film clip NDR – Hamburg Journal