Vocational Trainings Center

On our November trip, Ineke Hendrickx, Vera Klischan, Birgit Schanzen and Enke Cäcilie Jansson met with agricultural students from the Rotaract activist group on November 13.

Over a year ago, Bishop Peter A. Chifukwa took the initiative to establish an inclusive vocational school for young people and children with special needs in Dedza.

There is currently no such school in Dedza. Bishop Chifukwa has

recognized the need of the young people in his diocese. He wants to enable them to learn a trade by providing vocational training, especially if they are disabled, such as the deaf children at the Mua School for the Deaf, so that they can start a small business or find a job that will support them in their lives.

The Ministry of Labor is already involved and has asked for a needs assessment. This needs assessment was conducted by a consultant from Lilongwe. The report was submitted to the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Labor, Mr.W. Kayra on November 2, 2023. The conclusion of the report is that the need is immense.

The diocese has now acquired the former WICO sawmill, consisting of 18 hectares of land with water and electricity connections, several industrial buildings and staff houses for young and older employees.

industrial buildings and staff houses for young and older employees.

In the next step, the Diocese of Dedza will work with the Ministry of Labor and TEVETA to set up the school and start the first courses as soon as possible.

As Dedza is primarily a rural area where people earn their living in agriculture, the new vocational school will also offer several agricultural courses. During our meeting at LUANAR, a first step was taken towards cooperation between the Diocese of Dedza/the new vocational school and LUANAR in running agricultural courses at this new vocational school.

agricultural courses at this new vocational training center. The Diocese of Dedza is very much looking forward to such cooperation with LUANAR.

On this occasion, we were allowed to visit LUANAR’s impressive research area with fish farming and experimental fields.