Deaf Children Schools – class mentorships

On our trip in November, we visited the Deaf Children School in Mua with Ineke Hendrickx as the representative of the Dutch Deafcarefoundation for the country’s 3 homes for children and young people with hearing impairments. Excited children who greeted us in sign language and loving teachers and nuns who try with all their strength and improvisation to provide them with a home and education under very difficult conditions and in a poor supply situation.

Our great thanks go to the class sponsors, whose immediate willingness to help provided food and medical care for 2024:

  • Dr. Dirk Fister Pferdeklinik Bilsen
  • Gisela Bauer
  • Renate Hansen
  • Nicole und Dr. Jörg Riemann
  • Marietta Westphal
  • Isabell Weidemann

We are still looking for class sponsors to improve the children’s education and vocational training in order to give them the prospect of an independent existence.