Dental Department Mua Mission Hospital

With great joy in our luggage: thanks to the co-operation with the “Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnärzte”, the financial means are now available to buy new equipment for the dental clinic and also to set up a dental laboratory for prosthetics.

The defective dentist’s chair will be replaced by a suitable, air-driven one. In addition, a new powerful compressor will be installed, which will also supply the small new dental laboratory for simple plastic prosthetics.
In a radius of 100 kilometres, dental prosthetics are unknown in this remote region and unaffordable in the big cities.

We are now taking measurements for the planning. The equipment can be procured in the country, which is important to us. During our next visit on 20 September, a German dental technician will accompany us to set up and train the laboratory. Graduates of the Secondary School for Girls in Mganja will find an opportunity to qualify and work here. A new source of income is opening up for the hospital

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