Mua Mission Hospital

Mua Mission Hospital is the main referral hospital in a poor and remote rural area. The hospital has a capacity of 140 beds and serves a population of around 28,000 people.

Eight health centers refer complicated patient cases or for further diagnosis to Mua Mission Hospital. This means that Mua Mission Hospital covers a catchment area of around 1500 km2 with a population of more than 130,000 people.

The hospital was recently renovated. The maternity ward and the general ward were renovated, a new operating theater and a laboratory were built. Under a new administrator, the hospital is currently being modernized and financially renovated.

The administration and staff are committed to caring for their patients and constantly improving quality. With minimal technical equipment and only temporary doctors employed at the hospital, the highly motivated team works to achieve the best possible results.

A Drug Revolving Fund was established in cooperation with the Nazareth Foundation Malawi to improve the supply of medicines and consumables, and from July 5 to 10, 2023, we accompanied plastic surgeon Dr. Gie Vandehult and her team on a pilot medical mission at Mua Mission Hospital in the Dedza region.

37 operations were performed in two and a half days. Surgeries that the local medical staff have not yet been able to perform.