Primary School

Primary School

New construction and renovation of the Primary School (1100 children and young people) of Mganja/Malawi, we have wonderful news! Student organizations in the Netherlands have organized a fundraising campaign for our elementary school project in Mganja. They collected 38,000 euros! The Dutch foundation Wilde Ganzen will double this amount to 76,000 euros.

This means that with all the other pledged donations, we will have enough money to realize the entire project within the next year.

Above all, this is also recognition of the tireless work of the local project manager, Ineke Hendrickx (Nazareth Foundation NL). She has built up a solid basis of trust with Wilde Ganzen over many years and has shaped so much for the people of Dedza, the poorest region of Malawi, in an empathetic and forward-looking manner. She understands and takes Malawian culture into account in all her planning, and I have learned from her above all how to listen.

She will be with me for a week from 16 June and we will be giving presentations together and talking to aid organizations.

The entire primary school project involves

  • Construction of 10 new classrooms (5 double blocks )
  • Renovation of 7 classrooms
  • Demolition of 2 classrooms
  • Construction of 3 blocks with pit latrines

We are very happy to be a partner of Ineke Hendrickx and her Dutch Nazareth Foundation in this project as well.